A new passion has entered my life. Not content with the glorious high of owning The Red Shoes, I have now bought myself the longed-for dslr - a Sony Alpha 300. Until now I've had a Konica Minolta Dimage 7, which I 'inherited' from J a couple of years ago. It's been a good friend and taken some beautiful photographs, but it was time for a change. I've made a lens purchase from eBay, got another one on back-order at Jessops and a Crumpler bag also out of stock and on order.
It's all rather novel really and filled with exciting possibilities, only limited by my ability. It's quite a steep learning curve - all this stuff - words like exposure, aperture, focal length and f-stops twirling around in my little brain like autumn leaves in a flurry waiting to settle in the right places.
Photos? I've taken a few. Here's one and the rest can be seen on my Flickr stream.